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TECHAiDE installs first ever MakerSpace in Kyebi

TECHAiDE installs first ever MakerSpace in Kyebi

TECHAiDE, a for-profit social enterprise has installed a MakerSpace in Kyebi, in the Eastern Region, the first of its kind in the Country.
     The MakerSpace is a collaborative work space that uses a high technology inside a school, library or separate public and private facility for making learning, exploring and sharing easier.
     The project is funded by Helping Africa Foundation (HAF) and Friends of Yamoransa Foundation (FYF), both United States based non-profit organisations and would be dedicated in collaboration with the Office of the President of the Republic of Ghana on September, 12.
     The MakerSpace is designed to help prepare Ghanaian students who need the critical 21st century skills in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
It is opened to all the Junior High and Senior High Schools as well as the Kyebi community and its environs.
     In an interview with the media, Mr Kafui Prebbie, Chief Executive Officer of TECHAiDE, he revealed that the MakerSpace provided hands on learning and helped with critical thinking skills and even boost self-confidence.  
     He said the new MakerSpace Product Offerings included a 3D printing, 3D modeling, Virtual Reality Hardware and Software, Coding and Robotics.
     Mr Prebbie said, TECHAiDE would maintain the space for 12-months, and train the teachers around the to get the most out of the space.


Source: WatchGhana.Com/Kamil S.Sana

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